uTorrent stuck at Checked 0.0%
If you experience such a problem with uTorrent app when you add a new torrent follow these steps:
1) Open Terminal and execute this command:
cd “~/Library/Application\ Support/uTorrent” && sudo rm -f *.old
2) Open uTorrent and everything should be back to normal
1) Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the path: %AppData%/uTorrent
2) Then remove all files ending *.old
3) Open uTorrent and everything should be back to normal
Tags: 0.0%, 0%, checked, macosx, stuck, torrent, utorrent, μtorrent
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I am stuck at “checked 0.0” and I tried your suggestion but it did not work for me. Not sure if I did it correctly. You may have to explain it in more detail because I am not sure what you mean by “navigate to the path: ………
Please walk me through it.
Thank you.
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“Navigate to path” means browse to the directory…
You can press Win+R and copy paste the suggested path %AppData%/uTorrent
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Worked for me, thanks for the help!
The path will normally be:
Bear in mind you won’t see the appdata folder unless you have checked “show hidden files, folders,and drives” in explorer.
You can find it by clicking:
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Worked great for me, thank you!
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worked for me perfectly on osx! thanks for help!
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The problem seems to be originated cuz when utorrent is restarted it does a check(verification) on the currently downloading files and creates a metadata for this state.
If the download is in accessible, then it gets stuck at 0; even after you resolve the accessibility as there is no retry from utorrent for this.
The way to solve this is terminate utorrent process gracefully and restart it; where it does the same initialization steps again and as the downloads is accessible now, it will continue the process.
There might be other similar causes for this as well, this one solves one of them.